Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani, a coming-of-age romantic comedy-drama, released in 2013, is one such film that can be watched on a loop. The film, directed by Ayan...
Tag - Deepika Padukone
Deepika Padukone, who turns 34 today, is one of the highest-paid actresses in India. The beauty queen of the tinsel town was born to badminton legend Prakash...
Add On: Click on the movie title in ranklist to stream it online. Travel, meet, fall in love! If you think that this is all what Imtiaz Ali movies are about...
“Koi chehra mita ke, aur ankh se hata ke chand chite udaa ke jo gaya.. Chhapaak se pehchaan le gaya” As Arijit Singh powerfully sings the above...
“Darta hai? Dar lagta hai, apni kahani mujhse puchta hai..kaayar. Bata, Bol apni kahani, kya hai tere dil ke andar?” The year was 2015, the day was...
Add On : Click on the album title in ranklist to play it on Spotify. Not long back, there was a musical phenomenon having its roots in Bollywood : ‘The...