In an era dominated by renowned actors like terribly charming Tom Cruise, a director’s choice Tom Hanks, a versatile Brad Pitt, an insanely talented Leonardo De Caprio, a jovial Johnny Depp, and for that fact, even miraculously flexible Christian Bale; it takes a personable Edward Norton...
By Celebrities
Amitabh Bachchan (born Amitabh Srivastava) turns 80 today (October 11, 2022). This great actor, film producer, television host and occasional playback singer...
It is difficult to contain the achievements of a Bollywood diva and superstar like Madhuri Dixit (Nene). The ‘golden girl’ who turns a year younger today (May...
Raj Khosla (1925 – 1991) was one of the top directors, producers, and screenwriters in Hindi films from the 1950s to the 1980s. Khosla was known for bringing...
Irrfan – what great things have already not been put to describe him. Celebrated both as an actor and a person, there’s none a fault one can find...