Investigative movies have a unique power to engage, intrigue, and provoke thought. They take us into the heart of complex mysteries, unraveling secrets, and exploring the human condition under duress. In this list, we delve into the top 10...
Special List
Filmspell wishes you all the cinephiles out there, a very happy independence day. On this auspicious occasion let us remember those bravehearts, who selflessly devoted...
How do you define a super cop? A well-built police officer, a robust policeman, or a good-looking one? These days cop films are a craze. Rohit Shetty’s version of a...
Cinephiles! We have reached the end of this decade. It’s easy to say how many good movies you have seen and how many you will remember for years and decades to come...
An uncanny noise wakes the protagonist up from a sound sleep one night. The camera pans to the clock – it’s 3 am and it happens to be a fear inducing Friday – The...