Investigative movies have a unique power to engage, intrigue, and provoke thought. They take us into the heart of complex mysteries, unraveling secrets, and exploring the human condition under duress...
FilmSpell List
Filmspell wishes you all the cinephiles out there, a very happy independence day. On this auspicious occasion let us remember those bravehearts, who selflessly...
In an era dominated by renowned actors like terribly charming Tom Cruise, a director’s choice Tom Hanks, a versatile Brad Pitt, an insanely talented Leonardo...
Amitabh Bachchan (born Amitabh Srivastava) turns 80 today (October 11, 2022). This great actor, film producer, television host and occasional playback singer...
Bollywood (the Hindi film industry) has been churning out love stories for a long. Though plots and storylines undergo changes, themes of romantic movies...