What seemed like an epiphany of a modest fame as a rapper under a rather grotesque name, “The Fresh Price” in 1980’s, turned into an era of eternal and unassailable stardom as an actor, producer, comedian and a song-writer from 1990’s to till now. Will Smith, the American actor and an unlikely star, who has donned many hats in Hollywood by getting into the skin of different characters, and by doing so, has garnered undeniably high fame and humongous multitude of fanatics across the globe; is a powerful actor, who is capable of doling out evocative expressions, delivering dialogues with a convincing strength and performing difficult actions on screen; and for those facts he has been tagged by Newsweek as the most powerful actor in Hollywood.
Ever since he has put his foot in the industry, his ‘will power’ has shined him to fame and evidently he had quoted saying, “I don’t know what my calling is, but I want to be here for a bigger reason. I strive to be like the greatest people ever lived.”
It would be an understatement to call him an actor for masses because he has gathered applaud from the niche audiences too, and so he certainly is among the greatest actor in the glamorous tinsel town of Los Angeles.
Here is Filmspell’s list of the best films starring Will Smith.
Men in Black [1997]
Cast because the filmmaker, Barry Sonnenfeld’s wife like his musical pursuit as The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Will Smith played Agent J, an N.Y.P.D. police detective recruited by Agent K. Will Smith had an entertaining screen presence in the film.
Enemy of The State [1998]
In this riveting picture, Will Smith plays a lawyer whose job and life is put in a precarious state. It tells a story of how he recovers from the situation.
Ali [2001]
In this biographical sports drama film, Will Smith played the legendary boxer Muhammad Ali in such an impeccable way that an audience cannot imagine any other actor for such a role. He adapted the boxer’s mannerisms and tools quite well and it happens to be among the best performances by him.
I, Robot [2004]
The actor played a Chicago police detective in this Sci-Fi film, who; after being rescued by the Robot from a fatal accident leaving behind a 12-years old girl, becomes hostile to robots. This Sci-Fi shot like a Neo-Noir is out and out Will Smith show.
The Pursuit of Happyness [2006]
If you want something; go get it. Period. Ask a cinephile to make a list of his favourite quotes from films, and you can defy that he misses this. In this film, Will Smith subcutaneously got into the skin of the inspirational entrepreneur Chris Gardner and gave a performance that dispelled every doubt on his acting calibre. It is one of the most essential films to be watched.
I am Legend [2007]
In this post apocalyptic Neo-Noir action film, he played US Army Virologist Robert Neville, who happens to be the lone survivor in New York other than the nocturnal mutants. The one man show by Will Smith keeps the audiences at the edge of their seat.
Hancock [2008]
Playing an unlikely superhero called Hancock, who is perpetually immersed in alcohol consumption and is amnesiac in nature and eventually undergoes a positive transformation after he saves a person, who later helps him improve his public image. This is Will Smith’s most entertaining performance.
Even though, Will Smith doesn’t have a long list of good films unlike his mighty peers; but he has an enormous fan following and his films are much awaited by his audiences.
On this note, Filmspell wishes this powerful actor a very happy 49th Birthday.
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