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Peppermint (2018) Movie Review | Revenge is really the best feeling in the world

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  • 4/10
    Critic's Rating - 4/10

“Revenge is really the best feeling in the world, but it also leaves you the most vulnerable in the aftermath.”

Director Pierre Morel brings to us a revenge action thriller,Peppermint about a woman who lost her world. Sadly, the movie fails to be impressive enough to be memorable even though the sub genre is one of the most popular one. This mediocrity is better accredited to the main cast and crew evenly, as none of them make any impact otherwise. Editing might as well be called the best thing about the movie, making it a decent one time watch.

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Peppermint begins with Jennifer Garner beating a guy inside a car quite easily. This is also the biggest problem with the movie, the unimpressive action scenes. Which is surprising, given that Jennifer Garner is one of the best female action stars currently, though past her prime. Anyway, flashback shows us a happy family of 3, parents and a daughter. Through their little problems, the family tries to live through them with all the happiness they can gather. But one day, the husband gets an offer to assist to rob a drug dealer, named Diego Garcia (zero points for naming the drug lord). The husband declines, but too bad that Diego Garcia gets the wind of the supposed assault, and decides to make an example of what happens when you try to cross him. The husband and daughter dies in random shooting, and Garner (Riley North) gets injured. She loses the case against them, with the judge dismissing her case. All this compels her to set out and seek justice by her own hand.

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Flash forward to present, and we learn that the main character is now military trained with access to A grade weapons. This transition is not at all shown in the movie, which is its another shortcoming. And so the movie shows us her way of justice, which is basically killing the bad guys who screwed her.

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No supporting character stands out really, another disappointment. After the first half which is dull, the movie picks up pace and is decent in its second half, with fair amount of acting and action by Garner. But nothing packs a punch, and this must be blamed upon the Director. Garner’s performance too is at best okay, while the action scenes aren’t noteworthy either. With a decent premise “Peppermint” tries hard but fails to hold the attention perpetually. All in all, Peppermint at best can be viewed at dinner time, but won’t be remembered for long.

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About the author

Vibhor Silewar

Name is Vibhor Silewar. 25, Male, Engineer by profession, writer at free times, loves to analyze and appreciate the best of it. Solidly believes that the only thing that has been close to perfection is Breaking Bad. Favorite director is Quentin Tarantino.

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