A classic tale of a troubled marriage is explored to new depths in this masterfully crafted film ‘ The Wife ‘. A 50 something year old is eating sugar in the...
The first shot in, Alfonso Cuarón’s semi-autobiographical film, ROMA, we see a set of tiles on the floor, as the titles begin to appear; the camera is fixed on the...
Legendary director Akira Kurosawa a very interesting interpretation to the silver screen, based on the short story “In the Grove” by Ryunosuke Akutagawa. The...
Director Jang Hoon’s A Taxi Driver (Taeksi woonjunsa) (2017) very empathetically narrates a man’s journey from a close-fisted single parent to a vehement...
Over the decades Iran has evolved as a superpower in the cinematic arena. Almost devoid of sex and violence, these movies vividly showcase the socio-political and...