Released in 2013, Expectations were high for Man of Steel. All the trailers hinted at a deep and complex story in the vein of The Dark Knight Trilogy. In fact, the...
The Favourite is a cinematic exercise of exploring human frailties, that inexorably engulf a relation between three women of different ages, statures and desires. Queen...
When people chant Black Lives Matter, and the streets swarm with uncountable heads, we are reminded not only of the diurnal incidents exploiting and discriminating the...
In the early 2000s, director Ang Lee was approached to direct a Hulk movie for a 2003 release date. The film starred Eric Bana, Jennifer Connelly, Sam Elliot, Nick Nolte...
Arrival is a movie about a potential alien invasion that is based on the award winning short story ” Story of your life ” by Ted Chiang. 12 Podlike massive...