Three middle aged friends engaged in a very dull-witted conversation about life, fate and money won’t raise any suspicion right? But what if the light hearted introductory sequence changes in a crime scene within a split second? That is enough to grasp our attention and pull us over into the movie completely.
Vivek Athreya’s Brochevaruevarura is a story of love, friendship, parenthood and aspiration. It’s actually not a single story, but two stories running parallelly and getting mingled after a certain time.

The three Rs ….Rahul ( Sree Vishnu), Rocky ( Priyadarshi Pullikonda) and Rambo (Rahul Ramakrishna) are struggling for years to clear their intermediate exams, but this issue isn’t grave enough to bother them. Losing phones, watching movies, stealing answer scripts (sometimes question papers too) are the things which keep them busy. When Mithra ( Nivetha Thomas) joins their college and their gang, they get a new motto…the motto to sort out her troubles. Mithra, an aspiring dancer finds it impossible to cope with her dictator father and plans to flee. In order to fund her mission the Rs stage her kidnap and put all of them in a muddle.

The second plot revolves around a striving director, his new film and a celebrated star. The chemistry between Shalini ( Nivetha Pethuraj) and Vishal ( Satyadev Kancharana) adds a beautiful romantic angle to this dramedy. As they both get involved in the whirl surrounding the huge amount of ransom, the story takes a new turn.
Vivek Athreya very playfully blurs the line between dos and don’ts, right and wrong comedy and crime. But the beauty of the script is that it never goes berserk, it’s always in control. At one moment you might be grinning and the next moment you could be clenching your fist in anger.

To hold up with a script so smart and the direction so perceptive, the BGM and the songs needed to be perfectly in sync. And Vivek Sagar’s BGM and songs work as icing on the cake.
Sai Sriram’s brilliance in cinematography is projected in almost every frame. But the skilfully executed chase sequence for a phone in the last half is one of the most catchy moments of the film, which rightfully drives it towards a fitting end.

A great narrative, exceptional direction and extraordinary camera work….everything can fall flat in the absence of proper cast. This is where Brochevaruevarura proves herself to be a winner again. Surely Sree Vishnu, both the Nivethas, Satyadev elevated the mood and spirit of the movie, but the resplendent performances of the supporting cast earned huge brownie points. From a cop, who helps a father to understand his daughter to a ragpicker, who makes the climax even more thrilling…..the small roles proved to be as vital as the main cast in carrying the narrative flawlessly.

Brochevaruevarura is nothing short of an emotional roller-coaster. The subtle doses of humanity are so beautifully ingrained in the story, which are not easy to ignore. Where an old man can risk his life to stop a stranger from being thrashed and a goon can name his daughter after his own beloved father….the movie is high on sentimental quotient….but at the same time it never fails to strike a perfect balance among all the ingredients. Whether it is about a girl being abused by a pedophile or her dreams being shattered because of insensible parenting…..the filmmaker never tries to be preachy or to feed us with his beliefs, instead he leaves us to cultivate our own answers.
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