TV Series TV Series Reviews

Black Mirror TV Review: Technology will be shaping us like metallic powder

Netflix Black Mirror_HD_poster_Session1
  • 8/10
    Critic's Rating - 8.0/10


Black Mirror is a series created by Charlie Brooker in the 2011, but has been gaining rapid popularity recently. The series implores the most basic question that has been bothering primary grade kids to write essays about since decades : is Science a boon or a curse? We all know the answer for that one though, thanks to our sincere teachers. But then again, the technology can drive us into madness in a number of ways, and the series discovers three of them, one of which we live fully in while the other two are hyperbole which can be true very soon.

 Technology was supposed to be guiding us. Now it is molding us and very soon it will be shaping us like metallic powder compressed into artifacts.


Episode 1: The National Anthem

Black Mirror the national anthem Session1 Episode 1

Prime Minister of England gets an early awakening in the morning, with the news of kidnapping of the Princess of Beaumont in exchange for a very weird, very humiliating demand as ransom. And throughout the episode characters discuss whether the demand will be fulfilled by the Prime Minister or not. Extremely relevant with today’s world, the morals of every citizen of the country is questioned, and their perception of the situation shows us the mirror, that we still have a long way as a society to be called ideal. The frustration of the common man towards the people in power, the helplessness of those in power when dealing with an entirely new kind of threat and the apathy of the media towards sensitive issue, all are depicted very vividly. This episode is definitely going to bind you with the series and generate good expectations. From the cinematic point of view the episode is well crafted, with good direction that keeps us engaged and laudable acting from most performers. But the real winner, is definitely the idea.


Episode 2 : Fifteen million merits

Black Mirror Fifteen million merits Session1 Episode 2

A story of a dystopian future set up, where individuals earn their ‘merit’  for the society by working hard to produce energy by pedaling continously, and producing energy. All this to take the short cut to success, be the next big ‘Hot Shot’. Sounds weird, right? The episode takes enough time to get us acquainted with the set up, showing how much technology had the people bolted in shackles, seen through the eyes of our protagonist, Bing. The story is actually the classic budding love story that we have seen Innumerable times, and what happens further is easily predicted, though I’ll not mention it for the sake of making this article spoiler free. But the real treat in this one is Daniel Kaluuya, who shines throughout. The treatment of the story is the real winner again as well, showing us the mirror of being entrapped in our lives, and any escape is just another trap.


Episode 3: The entire history of you

Black Mirror The entire history of you Session1 Episode 3

Based upon a technology that seems highly coveted for anyone, this is the most perfect episode of the season in terms of essence. Our protagonist is a struggling lawyer, though his perfect house states no money problems whatsoever. Though the real struggle is a weird man who he meets in a small gathering of friends who turns out to be familiar with his wife. Though the key in the story is a little gadget, capable of recording all your memories, in a database where it can be infinitely replayed, and even be showed to other people. With the best best acting and direction among the trio, this episode gives us the real view of how technology can drive us insane, perfectly depicted by Toby Kebbel. Again the real winner though is the idea.

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Series verdict

Definitely a must watch for those who are interested in seeing the insight of slow destruction of human essence by technology, and why future might have horrendous plans prepared for us.

About the author

Vibhor Silewar

Name is Vibhor Silewar. 25, Male, Engineer by profession, writer at free times, loves to analyze and appreciate the best of it. Solidly believes that the only thing that has been close to perfection is Breaking Bad. Favorite director is Quentin Tarantino.


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  • Vibhor, firstly, thank you for writing about Black Mirror. I believe this show is so relevant to our society at this point that, it only magnifies the impending horror on humans and compels us to act. The biggest take away from this genius of a show, is the relevance it holds in today’s times.

    I am so glad that you have shared your thoughts about it and I appreciate this well written article.

    I am hoping you are going to write about the next three seasons, as well. I will be waiting to know your thoughts.

    Very well written.

    • Thank you very much Sachin. Glad you enjoyed the article. I’ll try to cover the rest of the seasons soon.

  • Vibhor, firstly, thank you for writing this article about Black Mirror. I believe this show is a sensation in modern times.

    The biggest takeaway from this genius of a show, is its relevance in times that only indicate the impending doom on humans.

    This is a very well written article and I am hoping that you will write about the next 3 seasons as well. Looking forward.