In the modern cinematic era, superhero films have taken for a significant part of the film industry with the emergence of two mega franchisee MCU and DCEU. Amidst the mavericks, enters an Indian superhero, Bhavesh Joshi (apparently India’s...
Author - Arijit Paul
A self-professed Satyajit Ray fan, Arijit is one of those rare cinephiles who has an unconventional notion of Films. An admirer of auteurs like Kurosawa, Bergman and Scorsese alike, Arijit hopes that one day he will be able to bring a new wave in Indian cinema. Apart from films, he finds life in literature, music and traveling. His blogs are likely to be the most unprejudiced view on whatever topic he decides to write on.
Phantom Thread Review “There are things I want to do, things I simply cannot do without you.” One of the world’s best actor says this with a swift...
“We can practically see home from here”. “Seeing home doesn’t help us get there, Colonel.” Christopher Nolan’s war epic ‘Dunkirk’ tells the...
Wonder 2017 True! The people who know us the most, their opinion counts. And Wonder 2017 is a film that shows this in a magical way! It lays out all...
Satyajit Ray’s Devi- The re-incarnation In the late nineteenth century, Provatkumar Mukhopadhyay had written a short story based on a 16 year...
While the 48th International Film Festival of India (IFFI 2017) commonly know as Goa Film Festival, gets underway, cinephiles all over India have...
As one of the most cinema affluent cities in India welcomes the 23rd edition of Kolkata International Film Festival, FilmSpell ensures that you make...
“How do we get ahead of crazy if we don’t know how crazy thinks?” The line from FBI agent Bill Tench to his chief in the opening episode sums up the...
“Rajkumar Rao starrer Newton, being one of the most anticipated films of the year, delves down into the intricacies of the voting system of the...
Pennywise the Dancing Clown Pennywise: Hi Georgie! [pause] Pennywise: What a nice boat. Do you want it back? Georgie: Um… Yes, please...