Ghoul is the new Netflix mini-series, directed by Patrick Graham and backed by BlumHouse productions and Phantom, companies which, in the past, did not shy...
Tag - Netflix
Visaaranai (Interrogation) 2015 Movie Review This Interrogation is Incredible ! This chilling social drama opens our eyes to the horrors around us. Producer :...
BoJack Horseman (seasons 1-4) Review Imagine a show set in a world where animals are humanoids who co-exist with humans. This bizarre context itself is enough...
Cuba and the cameraman review Emmy winning filmmaker Jon Alpert ventures into Cuba and brings out the story of real Cuba in his documentary Cuba and the...
Stranger Things season 1 was undoubtedly one of the biggest Netflix hits, and season 2 leaves no chance of being better. This season is based on the same...