Broadchurch is a tightly knit community, a stunningly picturesque small town in Britain. A fairly tenured detective, Ellie, played by Olivia Colman has not...
TV Series
Paatal Lok begins with a splash of grossness, as a man delivering food, stamps a cockroach to death, on his way. It is quite poetic that the image of the...
“Democracy is apparently a virtue when it serves U.S. interests. With racism, militarism, imperialism & blind devotion to capitalism, the U.S. is infact a...
“All wars must be sold. Sometimes, that’s the cost of doing business. This whole country went stupid crazy after 9/11.” After a period of...
Eve Polastri is a middle aged woman working for the UK authorities, whose conspicuous passion in studying woman psychopaths, constantly seems to spillover onto...